Hi…it’s nice to meet you <3 I am SO glad you are here!


My passion for photography blossomed when my first son was born in 2001. Waaaay back in the horse and buggy film days. The amount of photos I have of him probably breaks world records, and that’s the truth. There’s something about becoming a parent for the first time that makes you want to preserve every single memory. Even as a first time mom, it all flew by. Sentimental by nature, I kept everything I could of his. His cord stump, first tiny pieces of clothing, his first tiny diapers I ever bought for his scrawny body. It was only natural that I would photograph everything about him. Even the toddler fits!

Fast forward a few years, and two kids later, I have my first bio daughter. HOLY EFFING PINK. Those who know me, know I am the furthest thing from a so called “girly” girl. My wardrobe has consisted of white, grey, and black since the womb I think. Anyway, this bright eyed baby girl was laid in my arms, and of course all I see are tutus, dresses, unicorns, hearts, and rainbows. Gymboree was all the rage back then, and that child owned damn near every single line of anything they produced for baby girls for the first few years of her life. This is when I *REALLY* reached deep into myself and started pursuing photography more. Again, my focus was always on the little things. Their chubby hands, their curls, their dimples, the way they danced through mud puddles. Real life. I never wanted to forget a thing.

In 2007, my precious little Avery was born. He had a very traumatic entrance into this world, and was very lucky to make it out alive. Avery has multiple special needs, and that experience changed us. It changed me to the core. I will never be the same person. Knowing how quickly you can go from expecting this precious baby you’ve longed for, to asking if the lifeless baby they’ve pulled from you is alive from the table they're stitching you up on from your very emergent cesarean is something that is so hard to put into words. And what if I didn’t have any of the few images we have of him in the NICU? What if, God forbid, we had nothing, and this story had a horrendous ending? I could not bear that thought. This whole experience sealed the deal. I had developed a passion to provide and serve others with photography. I did my first photo shoot the year he was born, and the rest was history.

Eleven years, three states, and 4 more babies after, and here I am. My passion in life still lies in photographing children and families just being themselves. Laughing, loving, and playing. Providing parents with images of all of the little things they will soon (17 years feels like 5 minutes when your kids are older- I promise you this) forget about. The way he puts his hand on your face as you nurse him, the way your toddler folds perfectly into her safe place - your arms. The way your tween blushes when talking about their crush. The way siblings love SO hard, and also fight SO hard. These are the things I don’t ever want to forget, and I don’t want you to either. I want to come into my client’s lives, and tell their stories. You have a story to be told- we all do <3

I hope you visit again soon.

I live in Evansville, IN, with my huge, weird, and wild family <3